Monday, October 11, 2010

The Weather Turns

Now that the temperatures are beginning to dip below 50 and the rain keeps me indoors, its time to turn my crafty attentions back towards the type you can do whilst cuddled under a blanket in front of a roaring heater duct: knitting and crochet.

I tend not to do many yarn crafts in the summer. I think its because it feels too sedentary for nice weather and because the pile of yarn that must sit in your lap is much too warm. But it's perfect for winter. I can knit and crochet while cuddling with Boyfriend and watching movies (I do like to multi-task).

For the past few winters I have been ever so slowly working on a large collection of sample squares which I have been combining into a giant knitty-crochet quilt:

I figure its a good way to develop a feel for the different types of stitches more complex patterns may call for. It also develops my pattern reading skills, which I may say is quite good at this point. I can read almost any pattern with only an occasional call to my mother.

I've just printed up a thick new stack of square patterns for this winter (downloaded for FREE! from Knit and Crochet Now). I'm ready for you now, Winter!

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