Monday, November 8, 2010

A Day at the White Stag Building

I wish I had a camera mounted on my bike - one that clips on like a bike light. That way, I could have had a few images to go with this.

I guess you'll just have to use your imagination.

Today, I attended a workshop on some cataloging program called MARCedit at the White Stag Building in downtown Portland. Which is gorgeous. They managed to blend the original architecture with new-fangled elements without too much disconcerting clash. The element that really had me entranced, though, was the hallway that had clearly originally been an alleyway between two buildings. They kept the original windows (with new glass, I'm sure) and put a skylight at the top of the first floor so one could see the original exteriors stretching out above them.

The workshop itself was less amazing -not that it was bad. It was probably about the same as any other all-day lecture on a piece of software. Many people were fascinated. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't entirely sure how this program could be useful to me and my work - it seems to be designed mainly for editing large batches of records at once, usually records received from book vendors to go with a library's latest purchase of books. Everything I catalog is unique. Not to mention that OHS doesn't buy books in bulk. Oh well.

And the lunch provided was slathered in mayonaisse. Ugh.

Luckily I wasn't particularly hungry, since I'd had 2 large slices of delishus home-made cinnamon bread for breakfast. And I'd been drinking coffee all morning. So I just snacked on the cookie that came with the mayonaisse. The cookie was interesting - it looked, felt, and tasted like a blueberry muffin-top. It made me think of Seinfeld. Sadly, no one sitting near me got the reference.

On the plus side, with all that time on my hands today, I finished another square - this one a knit square with cables. I made one major mistake: see if you can spot it!

On my bike ride downtown this morning I saw:

A homeless man literally peeing off the side of a bridge. Thankfully, he was aiming for the train tracks, and not the pedestrian walkway below.

A sea monster! I swear! I saw it out of the corner of my eye before it dived below the water and it was scary!

On my bike ride home this afternoon I saw:

A crow using cars to crack walnuts. On Interstate Avenue. I thought it was only a small population of crows in Japan that knew this trick - but apparently it's spread here too. Though - these crows haven't yet figured out that a stop-light is the best place for nut-cracking. They were diving into traffic to pick up the nut-meats.

1 comment:

  1. Mayonnaise lunch can ruin any afternoon. The square looks lovely though.
