Monday, August 16, 2010

Adventures in Quilting

Sometimes, I have an absurd amount of confidence - always volunteering to do difficult things, convinced that they'll be a breeze.

This time, I've volunteered to quilt a banner for the Northwest History Network by the Portland Archives Crawl on October 2nd. I've never quilted anything before, so of course it's going to be super easy! I got a book on quilting techniques from the library and everything!

I started last night. Here's how far I've gotten:

I have a lot of scraps and clothes that well-meaning family have given to me, so making this quilt is only going to cost me time and brains. At least until the stage when I need some batting for finishing it off, but I think I can cannibalize either some pillows or another quilt. I'm still a fair distance from that stage yet, though.

In the meantime, I'm adding a new skill to my crafty repetoire.


  1. Great start. I have some batting you are welcome to use.

  2. Thanks Jan! I will definitely take you up on that.
